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Welcome! My name is Linda Rose Iennaco. I’m 80 years of age and I feel great — energized and pain-free (well, almost always)! If you’ll allow me, I can help you feel the same.
I realize I’ve been blessed — good genes, parents who instilled discipline and a healthy respect for the body, and curiosity. The good genes have allowed me to continue to dance. The discipline allowed me to be present when there were lessons to be learned. A healthy respect for the body allowed me to listen and trust what mine was telling me. It made me selective in the risks I was willing to take on a daily basis.  And the curiosity led me to study the body and the mechanics involved in dancing which include: jumping, leaping, and how to make crisp, percussive sounds with my feet.
All the above enabled me to never miss a class or a show. Lucky girl!! Lucky woman!!